iOS 8.1.3 – Updates are Scary

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Do you have an iPhone or iPad? I have both, and I can tell you when a little red number appears on the little gray Settings icon I break out in a cold sweat. I am not a techie. I only use electronics as tools. They are not the focus of my life. I know that things will be updated every so often, and I am glad that they are. Downloading the newest update, however, is frightening.
I never know if the newest is full of glitches and the changes will make me unhappy. The first update I downloaded for my iPad a few years ago made me miserable. They removed my favorite thing on the whole darned contraption, Google Street View. I was ticked off bigtime!
So you can understand why the little red number makes me nervous. What new horror awaits? Or, will the changes be benign or actual improvements? I don’t know. But I have no interest in doing the necessary research to find out. When I bought my hardware, I did not sign up for a J.O.B. At least, I didn’t think I had. Why is it when we buy technology, we are required to become experts in all the stuff happening behind the scenes?
All we really want to do (those of us who have a life, and although it includes technology, it isn’t technology), is use the darned things. We don’t want to spend hours making sure the smart guys in the lab didn’t do something that will make us unhappy. Gee. This sounds familiar somehow.
My question to all you fellow iPhone uses out there is, did you download the iOS 8.1.3 update yet? Is it harmless or will it make me want to throw the phone out the window? Please let me know, I’m going to need the thing real soon, and do not want to render it useless with a glitchy update or throw it out the window.

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