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Top 10 Airports in the World

Top 10 Airports in the      World:   


Today i will give you the  best airports in the world in 2014, according to the opinions of visitors andtravelers, according to research conducted by Skytrax famous and specialized in aircraft industry 
The result was as follows:

10- -Heathrow International Airport:London - United Kingdom:
 Is the third largest of the world's busiestairports, which serves about 69 millionpassengers annually. 
If you continue at Heathrow Airport, you can learn how well resist ads scattered all over the place, for after every step you will find a sign invites you to enter the restaurant, orbuy a product, so it is not surprising that this airport specifically classified as one of the best places for marketing in the world.

9-Vancouver International Airport: Canada:For the fifth time in a row gets Vancouver International Airport was namedBest Airport in North America, ranking as the ninth running ofthe most beautiful and the best airports in the world. 

Airport serves more than 17 million passengers annually, and is the second busiest airport in Canada, so the airport has been expanded and renovated at great cost amounted to 1.4 billion dollars.

8- International Airport Zurich: Switzerland: 
Zurich Airport, the largest international airport inSwitzerland, serves about 24 million passengers a year the airport has been expanded in 2003 to include a new building, and the Metro station Alanfaq.oma restaurants,services and security, are all to the fullest and at the highest level

7- Beijing Capital International Airport: China: 
Beijing Capital International Airport, known as the Gateof China, one of the busiest and largest aviation hub in the world; addition to being one of the best airports in the world, too, the airport served 78 million passengers annually.
Is considered the second most busiest airport in the world, so Beijing intends to create a supplementaryairport for him, to improve passenger traffic.
(A natural thing for a country of one billion human being) .

6- Haneda International Airport: Tokyo - Japan : Haneda International Airport is one of the major airports inTokyo and serves about 62 million passengers annually.
In 2010, the airport opened a third building, and thus increased the number of passengers inside the airport for up to 90 million passengers a year, and in spite of it, but there it is planning to create other

 buildings, and add 8 new gates. 
(The Japanese do not stop never)  .  

5- Schiphol International Airport: Amsterdam -Netherlands

The main international airport in Amsterdam, won numerous awards in various categories in the past years.
Mellon serves about 50 passengers a year, the wait timeat this airport specifically represents fun for thepassengers, you can practice different games, orreading a book in the library huge, or even get to relax, you'll find everything you imagine in your hands

4- Hong Kong International Airport: Hong Kong:  Hong Kong International Airport Bmmizzath wonderful one of the best airports in the world, despite its small area, butit serves more than 35 million and a half passengers a year ... offers the airport the best services in shopping,and passenger service, and so on, if you have a transithere, you are already lucky, you can even play golf 

3- Munich International Airport: Germany:Munich International Airport is the second most busiest airportsGermany, which serves about 37 million passengers annually.
The design of the airport more than what distinguishes it,the use of glass in the hallways, and tricks of light makethe place seem larger than it is.
Although the airport itself announced its services in the wonderful shopping, restaurants and luxurious, it offers some excellent recreational activities such as casino games and different

2-Incheon International Airport: Seoul - South Korea: 

The largest airport in South Korea, serving about 39 million passengers a year, and more than 70 airlines.
Airports Council International Airport this class the finest and the best service for 7 years in a row ..
Is characterized by its interest in the airport side of the cultural and civilization, where there is a museum whichdisplays the effects that shed light on the Korean culture, this is shopping facilities, and comfort zones,and Internet service, and other wonderful services

1- Changi International Airport: Singapore : For the second time in a row, crowned Changi International Airport as the best airport in the world by Skytrax, the service is good, andhaving better recreational facilities.
The airport is designed with a unique design to reduce stress levels among travelers, lighting constitute the main factor forthe airport decor, in addition to the internal gardens, which includes more than 200 species of trees

by:Softtravel Tourism 

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2 comments to ''Top 10 Airports in the World"

  1. Hong Kong International is probably one of the best airports that I have ever been to. I didn't get a chance to play golf there though, and didn't even know that one could do so there. Maybe next time.

  2. True is one of the most wonderfull airport in the world ..maybi your next time you will get chance to play Golf :):)


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